A unique, sharp-tongued, motivating program to assist you to lose fat, gain muscle and reach your desired body in just thirty days! A huge online hit as an e-book, Burn the Fat, feed the Muscle is now the bible of fat-loss which enables any reader to acquire his/her dream physique. Mike Geary PhD and Tim Horn's expert training have helped thousands to take control over their own bodies and achieve the slender, hard, muscular body of their dreams. This innovative program helps you uncover the secret truths about losing inches and pounds and creating the body of your dreams.

Mike Geary and Tim Horn have combined years of experience and proven techniques based on twenty years of experience as professional personal trainers in the area of exercise science, nutrition, anatomy, physiology and weight loss management. The authors provide an easy-to-read text that helps readers quickly and easily determine what type of diet and exercise programs work for them best. With this well-designed, easy-to-follow text, burn the fat feed the muscle with no guesswork or complicated calculations, making this an extremely useful resource.
From the book itself, it's easy to see the authors understand the importance of proper nutrition. Most people fail to reach their goals due to poor nutrition. This is an extremely serious issue that must be corrected if fat loss is going to occur. In fact, if you are serious about burn the fat, feed the muscle program then you must be serious about improving your nutrition and making necessary lifestyle changes. It doesn't matter how much money you spend on supplements, crash diets, or gimmicks; if you don't take the steps toward a healthier life, you won't make any progress. That's why this e-book is so helpful; it addresses all of the issues about fat loss, fitness, nutrition, etc.
Along with proper nutrition, the diet must be properly mixed with exercise. Even though the diet is designed for people who want to burn the fat, they must also perform appropriate exercises in order to help burn the fat. If the diet and exercise plan aren't properly followed, the body can become unbalanced and cause major problems, such as failure to lose weight and gain muscle. When you read this e-book, you learn how to create a great diet and exercise plan to meet your goals.
Once you have taken these steps, you can start to burn the fat. Of course, as mentioned in the beginning of the article, your diet must also include the correct proportion of protein, carbohydrates, fats and fiber. Eating too few calories is never good for you. When you eat too many calories, your body will store them as fat. The diet must also be varied and nutritious in order to provide your body with all of the nutrients it needs to function at its optimal level.
In addition to helping you burn the fat, the Eat To Burn the Muscle eBook provides great tips and strategies on how to get rid of body fat quickly. It includes information on how to identify the best foods for building muscle mass and how to figure out your personal calorie intake per meal. You also learn how to make adjustments to your workout routine and when you should rest between sets.
The e-book does not shy away from providing advice about diets that are unhealthy for muscle building. It discusses the problems with fad diets, such as the Atkins and Zone diets, which are not recommended for anyone trying to build muscle mass or lose fat. While it doesn't address the issues regarding vegetarian diets or those that involve very little protein from sources other than animal products, it does provide some good advice about avoiding dangerous carbohydrates like refined grains and sugar while still following a sensible diet and exercise program. This is important because many individuals who are looking to burn fat and build muscle do not get enough of the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants necessary for their body to properly function. A healthy diet and exercise program along with quality protein from good sources are essential to maintaining muscle mass and losing fat.
While I have reviewed the e-book, I cannot vouch for the information provided in it or the methods suggested. The information is sound and there are a number of ways to strengthen muscles without hurting yourself during your workout. However, it is not a substitute for professional advice. If you are seeking professional advice regarding an individual's diet and exercise routine, please consult your doctor. The information in this article is for general information only and should not be used in conjunction with professional medical advice regarding your health, diet, or exercise program.