Weight Loss Detox: Does Walking Burn Belly Fat?

Monday, June 7, 2021

Does Walking Burn Belly Fat?

Does walking burn belly fat? While walking, there are two key ingredients to burning off belly fat. First, you must walk long enough to reach the fat that you have stored there. The longer you walk, the greater the chance to get to the fatty tissue you've put there. The second key ingredient to fat-burning success is your speed.

does walking burn belly fat

Walking is a great form of cardio because it not only burns calories but fat belly too. Studies have shown that the best way to lose belly fat is to train the abdominal muscles. This can be done by performing the traditional cardio exercises like swimming, cycling and running. But it can also be done through performing the Filipino food style of cardio called "Ningog".

What is "Ningog"? It is a combination of traditional cardio workouts, like swimming, cycling and running, and it is heart rate based. So you will not be burning tons of calories while exercising. Traditional forms of exercise are great and can help you lose weight, but they don't have the same effects as heart rate based exercises.

When you perform these workouts, what you do is keep your calorie deficit constant. That is, while you are exercising, you only eat the foods that supply fuel to your muscles for periods of time. The goal is to burn the excess calories that you take in so that you can keep your calorie deficit constant and maintain your overall fitness level. In this manner, you won't be burning up tons of calories as you walk and you won't be deteriorating in your fitness level at the same time.

Now let's get more specific. Did you know that by changing your way of thinking about how you look at the world and yourself, can also lead to fat-burning? For example, if you tend to see your stomach as being the primary reason that you don't look good in a bikini, you will be less inclined to want to buy and wear a bikini. You may even subconsciously decide that bikinis are not the most flattering garment for you. By changing your thoughts, however, by focusing on your stomach as your body's fat-burning furnace instead of your hips, buttocks and thighs, you will change your view of the world and you will begin to lose belly fat more effectively.

If you are someone who doesn't pay attention to his waistline, or if you just naturally have a tendency to overindulge in food when you are not really hungry, you may not be aware that you are burning calories all day long. All you really think about is the next meal that you are going to kick yourself for not eating earlier in the day. Or you may not even realize that you are running a caloric deficit all day long. By paying attention to your waistline and understanding that you can lose weight without having to starve yourself, you can begin to develop a healthy relationship with food.

The most effective way to begin losing weight and developing a healthier relationship with food is through low impact exercise. Walking is a great low impact exercise. When done properly, walking can be an enjoyable and rewarding activity that allows you to connect with your own physical body as you walk. Low impact exercise improves circulation, tones muscle and can strengthen connective tissue throughout the body.

As you work on reducing your overall size, which will help you lose belly fat, increase the frequency of your cardio workouts. Three 30-minute sessions a week is the bare minimum that you should be doing. If you can find time to do five or six interval type workouts, you can also greatly improve your cardio workouts. Be sure to mix it up and don't get stuck doing the same cardio exercises every time. Variety is the spice of life, so be sure to mix things up as often as possible.

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